REACH Niagara’s Response to “Ontario Protecting Communities and Supporting Addiction Recovery with New Treatment Hubs”

REACH Niagara applauds the Ontario Government’s proposed financial commitment to mental health and addiction services made yesterday (Tuesday, August 20, 2024). However, we strongly encourage the province to reconsider the path they have proposed in the previously mentioned release. The implications of these actions could have devastating effects on individuals who use substances. 

Many of the proposed initiatives stand in the way of safer drug use and will further endanger lives. Since our organization’s inception in 2019 we have operated mobile health clinics and a medically based, evidence informed Substance Use and Addiction Programs for those experiencing and at-risk of homelessness, those experiencing intimate partner violence, and individuals struggling with substance use. The proposed action by the Ontario Government leaves the population we have spent the last 5 years building relationships with and caring for with fewer options and choices (we believe they should make) in their own healthcare and safety.

Our Observed Experience and Results  

REACH Niagara Substance Use and Addictions Programs are operated by a dedicated and experienced pair of Doctors, Drs. Karl Stobbe and Karim Ali. They are joined by a team of professional case managers, persons with lived expertise, and trained counselors to ensure the best outcomes for our program’s participants. The Substance Use and Addictions program at REACH Niagara emphasizes person-centered, harm reduction care. The goal is not just a reduction in the use of dangerous street drugs but patients having a voice and achieving their goals. This may include getting housed, reconnecting with family and friends, and access to additional addiction services when they are ready.

Drs. Karl Stobbe and Karim Ali, physicians leading REACH Niagara’s Substance Use and Addictions Programs, noted:

“Our clinical observations through REACH Niagara have been contrary to those expressed by the provincial government. The Substance Use and Addictions program at REACH Niagara has achieved positive results for our most vulnerable community members. Our patient outcomes in Niagara have shown: 

  • 92% reduction in overdoses 
  • 100% of our patients reduced their use of toxic street drugs
  • 85% of our clinic participants have noted improvements in their quality of life and social connections. 

We have numerous personal anecdotes of client relationships that speak to the efficacy of the Substance Use and Addictions Programs. 

It is in our opinion that the proposed rapid closing of Consumption Treatment Sites across the province and reducing access to proven strategies and programs is not in the best interest of our communities and their safety”.

Our Message to The Provincial Government and Our Communities 

As we advocate for a larger financial contribution to the treatment of mental health and addiction services from our province, we encourage the provincial government to evaluate and weigh the implications of their proposed plan. All of our decisions as an organization keep our patient’s health and best interests in mind. This motion by the Province of Ontario leaves our patients with fewer options and puts more people at risk. 

This proposed plan in our opinion, which is backed by observed clinical practice and collected data, will put lives at risk.  

“This program has saved my life. I have not used fentanyl in over 3 months now… Thank you for helping me get my life back!”

– A Recent REACH Niagara Substance Use and Addictions Program Participant 

For Media Inquiries Please Contact:

Carolyn Dyer (she/her)

REACH Niagara Executive Director


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